Friday, October 20, 2006

America Sucks , and Sick.

I like Christ
I do not like your Christians.
They are so unlike your Christ.


America brings “freedom” to Iraq. Freedom means Abu Ghraib torture chambers, decapitated bodies, 14 years old girls raped by US Army beast and shot dead, family members shot in front of their wives. Freedom is engineered civil war and division of a nation into smaller weak states.

Iraq death toll reached 655.000, at the cost of 2,800 lives of lynch mobs called US occupation army. “Our strategy doesn’t work” said US General while the head of the neo-fascist George W. Bush recently admitted “ Iraq is becoming 2nd Vietnam”. Now this seems to be how America is ending up in Iraq, thanks to a pre emptive policy based on lies supported by the whole “patriotic” nation, both Republican and Democrats. America sucks, cause it sick. The neocon is a cancer in the American body. It has to be removed and undergo some sort of chemotherapy that is by dragging those bastards to war crime tribunal.

It takes a C class alcoholic oil trader turn President and a fooled nation to do this shameful blunder. All American share the guilt, cause you choose this guy to be president and – may God damn you- you reelect them again. You are too selfish and fool to buy the paranoia that Iraq has WMD and linked to Alqaeda and so must perish or else “we will fight them in our streets”. Your zionist inflicted congressmen approved the new law condoning tortures and does away with the right of Habeas Corpus. Your beloved leader Bush is not only the meanest leader in US history but worse, the meanest leader in world history. No future leaders in the world can go any lower. Whats wrong with you America….

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Blood Spiller Nation

This is an exercise to identify a statistical correlation between being an American and an obsession to spill blood. This is not a scientific game, but at least it does give a logical relationship between the two.

On April 20th, 1999 a school student carrying machine gun made their way into a class room in Columbine High School in Jefferson County, Colorado, randomly shoot and killed 12 fellow students.

Early Monday October 6th, 2006 last week Charles Roberts a truck driver living in Pennsylvania shoot Amish School students and killed 9 people., among them are 14 years old girl.

October 11th ,2006 a 13-year-old boy in Joplin Missouri, fascinated by the Columbine bloodbath and wearing a black trenchcoat and mask carried an AK-47 machine gun into his school , pointed it at students and fired a shot into a ceiling before the weapon jammed. Luckily no one was hurt.

I am not too sure if these are isolated events especially if it happen in a country that bombed Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and dropped nuclear bombs in Hiroshima. There might be a relationship between American "freedom" and an appetite to kill.
If you happen to be a common American, chances are you will buy an assault rifle. And if you are sexually hang up, there is a likelihood that you will find a school nearby and start the rampage. ( But if you are an American bishop with sexual hang up, you might use your “rifle” for more pleasurable purpose with one of the altar boys.)

But things might get worse if you happened to be the President Of the United States. Your close advisor Mr. Mordechai Bookbinder would whisper something exciting in your ears that drive you to drop cluster bombs in Middle East so that thousands of women and children are murdered to your psychopathic satisfaction.

But hold a moment….., what if the target country has a nuclear capability, say North Korea for example. You will turn chicken shit and the boldest thing you can do is to impose economic sanction. You will not start World War III, will you.

So if I were Ahmadinejad, I would go as far as possible in enrichment process to produce nuclear war head, because that is the only way to make the Mad Cow-boy behave.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Amish Shooting

The shooting in Amish school in Pensylvania lead me to write this note. There are three notes in fact. First, my heart goes to the parents of the slain your girls. The second , I notice the tragedy that claims 8 lives grabbed the attention of America and the world , thanks to the continuos media coverage. It is about 8 innocent American girls somewhere in the Pennsylvania bush, not in Baghdad where 52 lives where sent to heaven in the same day when Amish shooting happened.

Baghdad daily killings are no news worthy anymore for three reasons. First they are not American , second they are Arabs and Muslims and the third it doesn’t help Republican image in the next November election.

My final notes is about how America breeds twisted minds that drive them to shoot innocent people. When an American sick man happened to be a truck driver ,he or she will go to Pennsylvania or Columbine High school and start spilling bloods. But when he is somebody who run the White House, he will go to Middle East and drop cluster bombs to kill thousands of Arab women and children. America mourned Amish and Columbine School , but couldn't care less about blood bath in Iraq and Lebanon, some evangelist minded neocon may even celebrate .
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