Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Amish Shooting

The shooting in Amish school in Pensylvania lead me to write this note. There are three notes in fact. First, my heart goes to the parents of the slain your girls. The second , I notice the tragedy that claims 8 lives grabbed the attention of America and the world , thanks to the continuos media coverage. It is about 8 innocent American girls somewhere in the Pennsylvania bush, not in Baghdad where 52 lives where sent to heaven in the same day when Amish shooting happened.

Baghdad daily killings are no news worthy anymore for three reasons. First they are not American , second they are Arabs and Muslims and the third it doesn’t help Republican image in the next November election.

My final notes is about how America breeds twisted minds that drive them to shoot innocent people. When an American sick man happened to be a truck driver ,he or she will go to Pennsylvania or Columbine High school and start spilling bloods. But when he is somebody who run the White House, he will go to Middle East and drop cluster bombs to kill thousands of Arab women and children. America mourned Amish and Columbine School , but couldn't care less about blood bath in Iraq and Lebanon, some evangelist minded neocon may even celebrate .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it bleeds, it leads, as long as it's American blood.

October 05, 2006 1:39 PM  

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