Saturday, February 11, 2006

Its A Boomerang, Mister .

My first posting draw a furious emails that flooded my inbox. Well, there are only 2 or 3 approving email, but the rest about 35 messages to this moment are of high temperature. I publish few of them that I consider appropriate, and the rest, I don’t even bother to read the second line. You know that there is delete key in my keyboard, so I use it. The deleted messages are full of dirty words , too dirty even for my septic tank , although it may feel tasty in their mouth. Some messages even threatening, but hell here I am to take these thugs on.

But that is not want I want to say in this posting. I just want to say thank you to all messages sent to me, because it shows to anybody free press works both ways. So it works like a boomerang, and proves – to those who are sober when reading this piece – that it hit hard right in the face who believe in free press. If you believe insult and spreading of hatred is part of the free press, now you get it . This is an acceptable rationale, don’t you think so.

Now, on different subject, I read an article in KOMPAS daily newspaper today Saturday - February 11, 2006 ,page 11 - an interesting article about caucasian. In 1995 Philippe Rushton a Canadian professor wrote a book entitled Race, Evolution And Behavior – A Life History Perspective. You may like to Google it for more detail. His theory says that caucasian west race is mediocre as far as their intelligent is concern. Their intelligent is one step below the Mongloid race in Asia.

He ran an experiment and proves that the average IQ of caucasian is below 100 while Mongloid IQ is above 100. The book drew anger and the publisher was threatened by Canadian . Why, can’t these people just accept the academic fact . Let us all open minded to accept .

PS: I took the liberty to insert picture of the American Idiot. Thanks to Green Day for writting that piece.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're missing the point of the Rushton controversy. People weren’t angry because his evidence suggests that Mongoloids are smarter than Caucasians; they were pissed because he asserts that there is a significant gap between the intelligence of Negroids and Caucasians. It had been generally established that race was fairly meaningless and that intelligence was determined by the social environment. There was concern that Rushton’s work would be used by those advocating a racialist public policy (legal discrimination against blacks). Apparently, racialist groups have helped fund Rushton’s work so there have been critical questions about his motivations and methodology. His work gets published but it isn’t accepted by the mainstream academic community.

If you’re relying on Rushton’s work to justify your dislike of Caucasians then you’re more of an idiot than George W.

February 12, 2006 4:31 AM  
Blogger Topo said...

Oh come on...... why can't you admit that negroid vs caucasian was just an excuse.The implication that caucasian is not a super race hurts you?

February 14, 2006 10:52 AM  
Blogger tempo dulu said...

I thought Islam opposed racial discrimination and notions of any race being better than any other.

This means you can't be a Muslim then, can you Topo? ;)

February 14, 2006 12:13 PM  
Blogger Topo said...

My postings are about the wave of Islamophobia and stereotyping of Islam, which you can not deny. The “bule” parts is only to exercise free speech that you preach.
If insulting prophet Muhammad is OK, than why not ridiculing races. Hypocrisy is not good my friend, so get ready for this outspoken “orang indonesia yang ramah tamah”

February 14, 2006 1:43 PM  

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